Tamora Lane

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Project details

Tamora Lane is a narrow sloping site with a history of poor quality earth tipping including demolition material. The site also adjoins a council riparian reserve where similar material was placed and it has also been used for illegal refuse dumping.

The narrow shape of the site along with limited working space made design methodology and planning critical in order to prevent cross contamination and an efficient earthworks operation. Maintaining large overland flow paths crossing through the site and a stream running alongside also complicated the project. All of the above posed significant consenting difficulties.

As part of the project the developer undertook remediation work on much of the neighbouring council reserve and stream banks. Some 30,000 tonnes of contaminated material had to be removed and transferred to a managed landfill.

Maven were requested to become involved after previous design iterations by another Auckland consulting firm made the project uneconomic. Through experience and expertise, Maven reduced the earthwork phase from two earthworks seasons (19+ months) to one season (8 months) with a simple change in methodology.

Through better design and earthworks balancing project costs were reduced by over $1 million. The project is now economically viable and construction works commenced within only a few weeks of Maven becoming involved.

Through better design and earthworks balancing, project costs were reduced by over $1 million.


Avondale, Auckland


54 Homes


Wilshire Group


Ongoing, stage 1 earthworks commenced October 2016